HoloNet Projection Limited
3D HoloNet TM
Low-cost reuseable video hologram system
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What sizes do 3D Holonets come in?
3D Holonets are made to order, and currently available up to 6.5m wide x 50m long. Normally the image size is smaller than the overall screen size, allowing the viewer to see the background surrounding the image through the scrim, which improves the 3D effect and allows the edges of the Holonet to be concealed from view.
How much space do I need?
In order to create a 3D effect, it is essential to have a lit space behind the 3D Holonet™. We recommend at least 3-4m ideally, but it may be more or less depending on viewing positions and the content. You will also need an appropriate throw distance for your projector – we can advise on this, and the best projectors and lenses to use. Please contact Liz or Paul for more information, or email hello@holonetprojection.com
What equipment do I need?
It’s very simple –
a 3D Holonet™
a suitable projector with playback of suitable content
a black or dark coloured back wall and floor
a few lights to enhance the 3D effect
More complex effects can be created using further projections as the back wall behind the 3D Holonet, which makes for multi-layered visuals.
How do I rig a 3D Holonet™?
Simply hang it from a bar or truss and lightly tension at the floor and sides to make a smooth surface.
How many projectors do I need, and which projectors work?
You only need one projector to make a basic hologram, however you may choose to add devices to make the image larger or add brightness or a backup into the mix. We have tested LCD and DLP technologies and the brightness needs to be specified according to lighting conditions and size of images. We can help train you on this. Please consider the option of becoming an authorised reseller, or else contact Paul or Liz for further information.
How long does a 3D Holonet last?
A 3D Holonet™ is reuseable many times over and can be removed and re-rigged in different locations. However the real silver in the net does tarnish over time when it is exposed to air, and over a period of several months it will go brown if it is used a lot or incorrectly stored. This time period will vary with the amount of exposure to light and air, and other environmentals such as humidity and temperature.
To extend the life of your 3D Holonet™, we recommend that you store it in an airtight, lightproof bag, squeezing out the excess air before storage.
How do you deal with the light from the video projector that passes straight through the net?
Talk to us about the design of your installation. We can help you with your set up to avoid undesirable secondary images.
Where can the image be viewed from?
The audience see the hologram from in front of the 3D Holonet™, and consideration must be given to the viewing angles and lighting conditions for the best viewing experience. We can advise on the best way to do this.
Does it have to be viewed in the dark?
Any video-based hologram system, be it a projection scrim or a Pepper’s Ghost reflection is best viewed in the dark, but 3D Holonet™ does not require a complete blackout in order to work. The most important thing is that the lighting behind the screen is much brighter than the light in front, and that the light from the projection is far brighter than the ambient light in the room.
Does the silver wear out?
No it is chemically bound to the fibres by a patented process.
Can it be used outside?
Yes the effect works well outdoors, although the product needs to be re-flame proofed if it gets wet.
Why is 3D HoloNet™ better than projecting on ordinary gauze?
The silver in the fabric maximises the intensity of the projected light while minimising the visibility of the unlit surface, giving incredible brightness over non-silver surfaces.
This is a highly transparent product in comparison to other gauzes and nets
3D HoloNet™ is tear and run-resistant for additional robustness
Why is 3D HoloNet™ more expensive than plain gauze?
The silver we use is genuine silver. Why? Silver is the most reflective of all elements and reflects back the image more efficiently than any other reflective metal. Therefore it works brilliantly at reflecting the projected incident light but when properly backlit, it goes extremely transparent where there is no projection. This makes it the perfect screen surface for making holographic type illusions.
Is 3D HoloNet™ flame retardant?
Yes. It gains an M3 rating, although the flame retardant will wash out in the rain. We have a patent pending for various flame retardant processes, so stand by for future improvements!
Can you rear project onto 3D Holonet™?
Technically yes but actually you get a lower quality image which is also compromised by the hotspot effect. Please ask if you are not sure about this. We have a more detailed response which might help you fully understand the issues when trying to rear project.
How strong is 3D Holonet™?
Like any fine net or gauze, 3D Holonet™ needs to be handled with care, however we have incorporated patent-pending features to reduce any tendency to snags and pulls. These are areas which are subject to continuous improvement because we understand the rigours of life on stage.
What kind of edging is possible?
We can supply various types of black web and eyelet or lacing edging. Please email or call to discuss your requirements.
Can we buy off the roll?
We will supply 3D Holonet™ unedged for approved use, for example a permanent installation in a museum or theme park on a fixed frame that becomes part of the set works., however we do not normally supply fabric off the roll.
Where can I see 3D Holonet™?
Please discuss this with your contact or with one of our authorised resellers. They will be happy to arrange a demo.
We have heard you have a patent. How can that be when this effect has been done since projectors were first invented?
It is true that gauze has been used, especially in theatrical production, for well over 100 years (reportedly even as early as the start of the 19th century). The difference with our product is that it has a patent pending construction that is so much better at creating a surface to accept the highest quality projected image while minimising the visual interference inherent in projecting onto a net.
Is this as good as a Peppers Ghost image?
It depends on what you are trying to do. It is an easier and less expensive method of producing a holographic type illusion. Correctly used, is very effective and certainly very believable as a hologram effect. It might be argued that the reflected image generated by the Pepper's Ghost system is of better quality closer up, but from a distance we think it’s as good, and for a given projector, the image is brighter. However, don’t take our word for it. Please come and see a demo of both techniques and then make up your own mind.
Can it be used in shop windows?
At night and under controlled lighting conditions this is possible but with care i.e. when unwanted light is prevented from hitting the surface of the net material. However, please note 3D HoloNet ™ does not work in direct sunlight as the scrim surface will be obvious to the viewer, negating the effect.
Can you eat 3D HoloNet ™?
Please don't. Interestingly though if you have metal fillings in your teeth, biting the surface of the 3D HoloNet™ will create that metallic sensation similar to accidentally eating metal foil. This is one way to check for cheap alternatives! Although we are always delighted to hear of innovative uses for 3D Holonet™, there are no recipes currently available and we cannot accept liability for you consuming our product!